Is Leadership an illusion of Control?

Leaders are comfortable with being uncomfortable; because they know every life event thrown their way can be a tremendous learning experience. Leadership can be an illusion of control, but changing your perspective on every day experiences can provide inspirational learning opportunities for personal growth and development.

Screen Shot 2014-12-14 at 8.20.49 PMSelf-reliant leadership is dependent on achieving a balance between the independence of taking responsibility for your own development, and the interdependence of collaborating effectively with others (i.e., being predictable and reliable).

A key determinant of success is whether you’re constantly working to improve self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-regard. Leaders know that balance is an illusion of control, and instead focus on creating “harmony” with their strengths and weaknesses.

Courage + Vigilance = Resilient

  • Courage is being audacious and acting in the face of fear; but applied at the wrong time can be seen as insensitive, uninformed, or taking unnecessary risks.
  • Vigilance can be sustained concentration; but it can also be analysis-paralysis; or being so careful as to not take bold action when required.

Humility + Confidence = Collaborative

  • Humble leaders tend to be modest, respectful; open-minded, but can also make a leader seem weak and indecisive.
  • Confidence is poise and being self-assured in a way that inspires hope and the ability to act; but too much can be perceived as dogmatism, inflexibility, and poor listening.

Discipline + Inspiration = Focused

  • Disciplined leaders constantly seek order, control, restraint, improvement and don’t accept mediocrity; but inflexibility can make a leader seem cold and detached.
  • Inspirational leaders are contemplative, creative and legacy-minded, and out of the box thinkers; but can also too idealistic and not reality-based.

The process of self-discovery is truly the first step in leading others. If there’s passion for your work, the personal and professional development will follow… as will others follow you. Creating willing followers is what defines an effective leader.

If you only truly control your attitude and where you invest your time; aren’t you in control of developing self-reliance to achieve a powerful future for you, and those you serve?

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