The woman looked and me and said, “Your mistake – you made eye contact!” Like a laser beam, she was headed straight for me on the tradeshow floor. Her name is Sara Trask, and unlike most of the corporate zombies one meets at a tradeshow, Sara was a breath of refreshing and energized air. It probably has a lot to do with her mission. She is the Director of Corporate Relations for Hire Heroes USA ( Somehow, I had not heard of this organization that started in June 2007. Its mission: “Through a personal approach, Hire Heroes USA serves as the bridge to fulfilling careers nationwide for our returning veterans from all branches of the military specializing in the career placement of those wounded or with any level of disability” I am glad to know resources like this exist for our veterans, and happy to know there are people like Sara that approach her mission with the same zest our soldiers serve.
Posted in Sacrifice