Friday started out great. We had perfect weather during a brisk one-hour bike ride in the cool morning air that makes summer in Colorado spectacular. The weather didn’t hold, and our flight took off two hours late, and we missed our connection in D.C. to London. And because it’s summer, all the international flights are over-booked, so we are delayed flying out of Dulles by a full 24 hours.
We found ourselves killing time today by visiting the Air & Space Museum. We were last there six years ago when my son was 16. With the passage of time, his perspective has certainly changed as we viewed and discussed the Enola Gay on display (you can read about the controversy here). The space shuttle Discovery is now housed at the museum, and it was interesting to see it up close. The hodge-podge mosaic of black tiles on the under-belly is not a thing of beauty up close. The entire machine hardly looks the part for a technically advanced and sophisticated vehicle with a track record of phenomenal service dating back to 1984.
The flight delays have certainly been a test of patience – not even close to one of my virtues! Faced with no control whatsoever, I am reminded to be truly present. In this case, I have no choice. But I do have a choice to be present even when I have (the illusion of) control. For this inconvenience, I will take that lesson as gift from the experience!