We recently returned from a 4-day expedition near Canyonlands, Utah. The trip was designed to transform leaders through adventure and adversity in an intense, dynamic and unpredictable environment that maps to today’s challenging business environment. It was an amazing experience, and after a few weeks, I was reflecting on what we learned in light of a recent article by philosopher Tom Morris.
Clarity. In my experience coaching executives, it’s important to help people find what they really want (from family, their profession, and certain experiences like our expedition). We can always spend more time in solitude for reflection to find the answers (i.e., slow down to speed up).
Confidence. Great article on the Confidence Gap in the Atlantic Monthly that applies to so many aspects of our lives. http://www.theatlantic.com/fea…
Focused Concentration. It’s been my experience that prioritizing is really about saying No to things – i.e., sacrificing. For me, not focusing has always been at the root of my own personal and professional failures.
Consistency. Dogged perseverance and determination.
Character. When Aristotle asked, “What’s a Good Life?” I think it was as much about service as it was about character development. And I think this is best achieved by constantly testing ourselves – sometimes winning, and often failing.
Commitment to persevere through inevitable setbacks.
Capacity. Be present with grace and gratitude.
The best part of experiencing an expedition with tremendous leaders was that it provided a plethora of experiences to reflect on, and learn from, for months to come. The points above will help provide a framework for robust contemplation.