The Balancing Act – Self versus Collective Leadership
I’m Just One
When I was twelve years old, my English teacher persuaded me to enter a speech contest. There were three rules for the contest. The speech had to be five to...
Getting Back Up
I had the good fortune to spend time with the West Point Cycling team again this weekend. The best part wasn't that Army won the men's and women's ECCC A-Division...
The Wind and the Leader
I was mountain biking the other day along the Foothills of the Rocky Mountains when I was hit with a sustained wind gust. It came from the side and almost...
What’s Your Number?
Bryan Bungee Jumping!
Building the Foundation for a Self-Reliant Team
I recently led a discussion for a group of executives on "The Ethical Leader." We discussed six dimensions of leadership decision making as strategic, financial, moral, ethical, cultural, and legal. ...
Lead Others To Do Less and Achieve More
Michael Canic wrote a recent blog called "The Zen of Strategy" where he wrote, "Decide what you're not going to do. Which markets you're not going to serve. What you're...
The Secret Ingredient for (Team) Happiness
"What is the nature of human happiness?" That's the seminal question Daniel Gilbert is focused on answering in the latest issue of the Harvard Business Review. I have heard managers...
Leadership Lessons from a Veteran of WWII, Korea & Viet Nam
To say there aren't many people like George Callahan is a gross understatement. George is 90 years old - a living history book as a veteran of WWII, Korea and...
A Development Plan – 29 Hard Questions in 5 “Easy” Steps
Step 1: Review the Previous Year 1. What has changed in my life and work this year? 2. How are these changes a transition from one stage of my life...