Cultural Values
I met a pleasant shopkeeper in Nice, France, and she asked a lot of questions about Americans. She expressed a desire to see the "real" America someday, but then said...
A Race
The Win
Two questions if you’re spending money on training
I recently finished teaching a course at the University of Denver called, "Evaluating Training Strategies." The students' primary project was to find a local firm and create a training evaluation...
The Healthcare Summit and Team Size
By most accounts, there was little progress at the President's Healthcare Summit. I am not surprised. Not because of the political and policy differences on the intricacies of healthcare, but...
Uncommon company – uncommon leader
Paul Spiegelman
The Mirror
The good you find in others, is in you too. The faults you find in others, are your faults as well. After all, to recognize something you must know it....
Reading, Writing and Leadership
There are many reasons writers write, but why do readers read? A writer might write to persuade, but I doubt many readers choose a text in order to be persuaded....
The Ultimate Listener
Jo Berry & Pat Magee
A Gift of 7 Questions
Self Reliant Leadership is synonymous with knowing which questions to ask yourself, and having the courage to answer them and act. What is your life story and purpose? What sacrifices...
Leadership in the making
They call it America's Game as it's the oldest rivalry in sports. The Army-Navy game was played yesterday for the 110th time. Football aside, it was quite a site to...